Dreamers Rock B&B
Establishment and lodging at 35556 Highway 28, McArthurs Mills, ON K0L 2M0, Canada. Here you will find detailed information about Dreamers Rock B&B: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.
Establishment Lodging
35556 Highway 28
McArthurs Mills
Ontario K0L 2M0
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+1 613-332-2350

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About dreamersrockbandb.com
Dreamer's Rock Bed & Breakfast
A Bancroft area destination Bed and Breakfast beside a series of small waterfalls and smooth rock ledges. Spacious open concepts, great views.
Dreamer's Rock B&B Bed Breakfast Accommodation McArthurs Mills Bancroft Ontario eastern Canada Algonquin Park Bancroft Madawaska Haliburton Highlands Silent Lake Madawaska Ottawa Valley Little Mississippi River vacation rapids waterfall elks nature snowmobiling Mineral Capital studio tours minerals vacation hunting fishing mountain bike geology Rockhound Gemboree rocks collecting cottage lakes swimming cross-country skiing getaway Canadian Shield camping atv hiking dogs sled racing smoke free Laura Smith Eg
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Today's weather in McArthurs Mills
22:00 -2 ℃ 1021 hPa 58 % 1 m/s